Monday, March 24, 2008


The word gnosticism comes from the greek word gnosis which means knowledge. Gnosticism consists of various belief systems that are united by one belief which is that humans are divine souls that are trapped in a material world which was created by an imperfect being called the demiurge. Gnosticism was common in the mediterranean and the middle east around the second and third centuries. This belief is practiced by some christians, muslims, jews, and buddhist religions. Gnostics believe in dualism with one supreme good ruler(God) and another bad spirit is evil (Demiurge). The matrix and gnosticism are similar in that gnostics believe that they live in a materialistic world and the people who live in the matrix live in a materialistic world similar to what gnosticism describes. I also think that you can associate the robots with the imperfect being called demiurge who created the imperfect material world because the matrix which the robots created is similar to the material world gnosticism describes.

1 comment:

geoart said...

Nick, you have a pretty good idea as to what were speaking of in class. I guess we have to know the basic information and origin of what our teachers speak off..sort of like the backbone for our cluster.